Watch a 2-minute sample of Jeremy dramatically presenting The Image of Gold and the Blazing Furnace from Daniel 3. You can also see the full presentation here.
Jeremy portrays Paul the Apostle in this 3-minute scene from PAUL, a 40-minute presentation which mixes together selected passages from Acts and six of his epistles. Click here for the full 4-minute scene of Paul sharing about his former way of life in Judaism.
Jeremy presents One-Man Passion Play, an original blended harmony of the passion account in the Gospels covering Jesus' Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion. This 3-minute sample includes Peter's Denial. Check out the full presentation here.
Check out this 2-minute scene from Jeremy's performance of David and Goliath from 1 Samuel 17. You can click here for the full 8-minute presentation.
Jeremy presents Acts 4 in this 3-minute sample of PETER, a 40-minute presentation which mixes together selected passages from all four Gospels, Acts, and the two Petrine epistles. In this scene, Peter and John go before the council after healing a man lame from birth. You can find the full presentation here.
See Jeremy's YouTube Channel for even more Videos and Full Presentations